KOEL green DG set Dealers in Bangalore
The DG Set is one of the most common and best known of the Kookaburras, with many different variations in colour and markings. These koel birds are native to Australia and are usually found around creeks, wetlands and swamps. They are easily identifiable by their red eyes, black masks and long tail feathers. Koels are highly social and will often congregate together in large numbers.
These Koel are an extremely rare and endangered species found only in India. The Koel is the world’s smallest songbird, with a body length of 8cm and weighing up to 15 grams. The name ‘koel’ means ‘laughing dove’ and it lives in pairs. In the wild they are very shy and skulk around the forest floor. Koels are usually silent throughout the day, but will sing at night when they are disturbed.